Artist Bio


About the artist

At times it's about the light.

Most often it's about illumination.

JOHN NEEL  — Photographer, Teacher, Retired Kodak, Book Author

Focus In Photography – Ilex Press – London – 2016

Rethinking Digital Photography – Sterling Publishing – New York – 2011

John Neel is a fine art photographer whose skills and interests include electronic imaging, conventional and digital photography, stereo photography, video, synthesized sound, 3D animation and new media. Perpetually pushing the limits of his work, John enjoys experimental imaging, alternative techniques, the creative process and playing with all that photography offers.

His latest book – "Focus In Photography" by Ilex Press was created for a wide audience of image-makers including beginning and creative photographers. Focus was released November 2016.

John is also the author of "Rethinking Digital Photography" by Sterling - Pixiq. which, was named a "Best of - 2011" by the Library Journal. It was selected as one of the "Top Eleven Best Sellers of 2011" by Sterling Pixiq Books. This unique book looks at ways to capture the world using both traditional and contemporary photo tools.

An expert in digital imaging, John enjoys creating images using such things as simple lenses, pinholes and zone plates, analog cameras and non-traditional imaging techniques. As much at home with Photoshop as he is with a 4x5 camera, John blends established techniques drawn from the historical evolution of photography with contemporary cutting edge digital methods. His vision and talent explores the past, present and future of photography.

John's work has been exhibited in public and private galleries and featured in magazines in the United States, Canada and Europe. He has taught creativity, art, digital imaging and photography at major universities and colleges in North America.

First and foremost a photographer, John is also, a retired teacher of photography and digital imaging and a retired Kodak graphic designer who lives and creates in upstate New York.

You can find John's digital photography blog at where he posts to the photographic community.

“The image is what matters. How it gets to be what it is, might be called photography. It might be called something else. It only really matters if it works.

By working, I believe it must be more than a reflection of the object. It needs to forge a new life, which shows us something imaginative, opens our eyes to something new, and impacts our thinking in a new way.”

John Neel


All images © John Neel